Music Discovery’s Singing Uke Troupe

Music Discovery’s Singing Uke Troupe, under the direction of Mandy Williams, is for students entering grades 2*-12 who want to sing and play the ukulele, make new friends, and share their passion for music with others. No audition is required.
Rehearsals are held year-round on Saturdays, 1:00-2:00 p.m., at Music Discovery.
*Students who have not yet entered Grade 2 but have had music lessons already may also apply.
Uke Troupe Spring Term 2024 Information

Tuesdays at Music Discovery are Ukutuesdays now! Rehearsals are every Tuesday, 5:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tuition is $60.67 per month (existing private lesson students get 1/2 off ensemble tuition, and private ukuelele students receive free tuition).